domenica 5 agosto 2007

Lexxe, the Third Generation Search Engine

In questi giorni ho ricevuto una mail da Hong Liang Qiao dall'Australia. Hong lavora per Lexxe, il motore di ricerca di terza generazione che qualche giorno fa ho presentato in un mio post. Mi chiedeva se potevo tradurgli in inglese il post per poterlo pubblicare sul sito di Lexxe.

Sono stato ovviamente contento e gli ho risposto dicendogli che la traduzione di buona parte del post sarebbe stata per lui inutile dato che riportavo alcune delle della pagina Q&A di Lexxe. Ma comunque penso che la prima parte gli possa essere utile. Quindi mi sono esercitato, dopo tanta lettura, anche nella scrittura in Lingua (chiedo scusa a Hong per gli errori e chiedo scusa anche a voi).

Hong, below you can find a translation of the first section of my post. Sorry for my English :-)

A few days ago, I wrote a post about the reasons why a Search Engine does not give in the SERPs results that can be considered relevant to the user's query. I mentioned a SEOmoz post in which Hamlet Batista said that the main reason for this phenomenon is the Natural Language.

To be more clear: since user's query are formulated in Natural Language (i.e. "everyday language" we use to communicate) and algorithm of Search Engine are not able to treat Natural Language in the right way, it is very hard for the Search Engine to give the user back the information she/he's asking for. It is an interpretation issue !

But now I discovered Lexxe (thank you Arun !), a third generation Search Engine which is capable to treat user's queries by using algorithms different from those used by the second generation one. In the Q&A Lexxe page three important query processing procedures are shown: Phrase Recongnition, Short Question Answering and Clustering.

These are very usefull for the user since they recognize the presence of a phrase in the query and give her/him the opportunity to filter in a "Natural way" the SERP. In this way the probability the results are relevant to the query itself growes up !

Hong, if You want You can publish everywhere my translation !
See you soon and let us know (e.g. by using "commenti") when Lexxe will pass in the Beta Version) !

Aggiornamento Lunedì 6 Agosto 2007, ore 2.00
Ho ricevuto questa e-mail da Hong. Gli avevo chiesto un commento sul Blog ma mi accontento :-)

Hello Marco,

I am traveling in the US right now. The follow is my short comment:

"Thank you Marco for writing about Lexxe in your blog. I hope more people in Italy will know Lexxe and use Lexxe. In the future, we will develop more foreign language search and Italian will be a choice of our development. Natural language search will have a huge future. It will be the future of next generation search."



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